Saturday 16 July 2011

[PF:165988] Re: Principle of Studying - How to Study Fast & Effective

good one thx

On Jul 11, 7:37 am, Frazy Criend <> wrote:
> Principle of Studying - How to Study Fast & Effective
> *Introduction*
> The authors have been involved in the training of thousands of medical
> students and have explored and discussed with these students their test
> preparation and test-taking strategies. These students have developed into
> efficient, skillful test takers in order to cope with the volumes of
> detailed material on which they are tested. They learned to recognize key
> elements of course co tent and to train themselves to successfully answer
> thousands of test questions.
> It is not just our observations of medical students, however, that we rely
> on to give you advice.
> There is a growing body of scientific literature emerging from psychology
> and the neurosciences
> that provides useful information about how to study for tests. These studies
> have identified the following very important test preparation topics.
> 1. Study time: HOW much you use; HOW you use it
> 2. Study location: WHERE and WHEN you study
> 3. Input: HOW you ENTER knowledge into memory
> 4. Storage: HOW you SAVE knowledge in memory
> 5. Retrieval: HOW you GET knowledge from memory
> All these topics offer something to help you study and prepare for any type
> of examination you could encounter in the future.
> *Study Time*
> Preparation time is a necessary element for successful performance on tests
> but is found to be insufficient when used alone. Students have told us that
> they must set aside regular time periods for studying which increases their
> efficiency. It is not just setting aside time, however, that allows lear ing
> to take place. Rather, it is what happens during the regular study periods.
> We all know people who spend large amounts of time looking at textbooks or
> notes but still have poor grades because they lack effective study
> strategies. The most important strategy is for you to concentrate on what
> you are learning and to have learning as your sole purpose for studying. The
> goal of every study period should be to learn something new or relearn
> something that you have partially forgotten.
> Here is a hint to help you concentrate or pay attention: If you find that
> your eyes are crossing a page of text but nothing is registering in your
> mind, and you are having trouble paying attention, you need to read faster.
> So fast that you will finally pay attention but not so fast that you aren't
> actually reading. Speed helps you concentrate. Suppose you are driving along
> a winding, country road at 20 mph. What arc you likely to be doing? Perhaps
> you are enjoying the scenery—taking in the trees, the horses in the pasture,
> or the ducks flying overhead. Now push down on the acceler tor until you are
> going 55 mph. What will you do?
> You either are paying attention to your driving or are likely to find
> yourself in serious trouble. The point is that speed forces you to focus on
> what you are doing. Reading rapidly helps you pay attention to what you are
> reading.
> *Study Location*
> Research tells us where and when to study. If you learn something in a
> certain environment, you are more likely to remember this information when
> you are again in that environment: therefore, study in a place similar to
> that in which you will be tested.
> Even your mood is thought to play a role in memory. While the effect is not
> thought to be a powerful one. researchers do believe it influences memory in
> two ways:
> 1. Recall is better for pleasant than for unpleasant material.
> 2. Recall is better when you arc in the same mood at retrieval time as you
> were when you encoded the knowledge.
> You will want to study in spurts. Spread out practice over time with rest
> intervals spaced between. This is called distributed study or spaced
> practice. The amount of study material and the distribution of practice
> sessions affects your ability to retrieve the things you have learned.
> Massed practice refers to long study periods and produces the poorest
> learning outcome. For most academic subjects it is best to work in a series
> of shorter study sessions distributed over several days if, however, you are
> cramming for a test, then long study sessions are better. The problem with
> cramming is that you do all right on an exam but don't remember much two
> weeks later.
> *Putting Knowledge into Short-Term Memory*
> Putting information into memory involves the encoding of incoming sensory
> information into a form that the brain can understand. In other words, our
> senses take in information from the environment, and our brain makes sense
> of it. A key to storing information in long-term memory so that you can
> easily retrieve it is organization.
> Short-term memory (STM), also known as working memory, has a capacity
> limited to 5 to 9 items. Unrehearsed material stays in STM for 15 to 20
> seconds.
> What is the usual length of a telephone number? Count the digits in
> 555-4567. Interestingly most phone numbers have 7 digits (the ideal number
> of items to be remembered in working memory).
> Fortunately, there are ways that your brain can manipulate the limitation of
> remembering just 5 to 9 items. One way is called chunking in which you
> arrange pieces of information into meaningful clusters and increase your
> capacity to remember. Take, for example, the following numbers:
> 76823318289190827103135466542594214.
> You can't even hold this 35-digit number in your working memory. Maybe you
> could remember the first 3 or 4 or last 3 or 4 numbers but you're not going
> to hold all 35 numbers in your working memory. Now look at the same number
> chunked into 5 telephone numbers.
> 768-2331
> 828-9190
> 827-1031
> 354-6654
> 259-4214
> Interesting, isn't it? Do you think you could use chunking to learn material
> just as apparently overwhelming and meaningless as the 35-digit number you
> just chunked? What is the key to chunking?
> You're right—organization. It is a key to storing information in your
> long-term memory.
> *Storing Knowledge in Long-Term Memory*
> Strategies that encode information in a meaningful manner help you retrieve
> easily information from long-term memory (LTM). There are two ways to
> increase retention of what you are learning. Both require you to practice
> what you are learning. The first, overlearning, involves practicing with the
> material over and above what is needed to just learn it and is particularly
> good for learning basic facts and skills.
> When you learned the multiplication tables, you overlearned them by
> practicing them over and over again. Furnish yourself with opportunities for
> overlearning of key concepts and skills. Make up flash cards and use them
> over and over until you have the facts locked in memory.
> Repeat until you "know it cold." Most people don't have the time, patience,
> or determination for this approach, and it's not very efficient when you
> have a lot to learn in a short-period of time.
> Because of these deficiencies, an approach called elaboration is often
> recommended. When you elaborate, you reorganize information and make it
> meaningful by relating it to something already in your memory. In order for
> you to engage in elaborative activities, you need to connect new information
> to something you already know. An organizational plan that is useful for
> school subjects utilizes logical schemes: places, dates, hierarchies, etc.
> Semantic categories allow you to organize by any meaningful strategy that
> you prefer. For example, you can categorize alphabetically, by body part, by
> size, by function, or by structure. Still other ways of organizing
> information are sounds, pictures, and colors. You should use personally
> meaningful categories to organize the knowledge you are attempting to store
> in long-term memory.
> Mnemonics arc schemes designed to assist you in remembering. "Fall back,
> spring forward" is a way of remembering to set your clock forward in the
> spring and back in the fall. "Every good boy does fine" and "FACE" help us
> remember the lines and spaces of the musical staff. "Please Excuse My Dear
> Aunt Sally" stands for the order of the following mathematical operations:
> Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.
> You remember these mnemonics, don't you? They are unforgettable acronyms or
> sentences used to recall a set of already existing strong associations.
> Other mnemonic schemes include methods of associating things you are trying
> to remember with words (peg word method) and with locations (loci method).
> *Peg Word Method*
> With the peg word method, you begin by using the sequence of numbers 1 to 10
> to memorize a word that is concrete and rhymes with the number beside it.
> For each number, you memorize the word that rhymes with it. Here are 10
> numbers and words.
> 1. bun
> 2. shoe
> 3. tree
> 4. door
> 5. hive
> 6. stick
> 7. heaven
> 8. gate
> 9. line
> 10. hen
> These words make up a peg list. You use it to memorize new, unrelated sets
> of items. Place each item to be remembered in an image with a peg word. For
> example, if you wanted to memorize a list of words that begins muscle,
> tissue, cell, energy ..., you could imagine a muscle burger bulging through
> a bun, Mother Hubbard's shoe house covered with toilet tissue as a result of
> your high school's big victory, a tree growing through a jail cell, and a
> door swirling in the sky captured by the energy of a tornado. Try this
> method with lists that you need to memorize. It could be fun to use the peg
> word method.
> *Loci Method*
> The loci method lets you use knowledge of the spatial arrangement and
> contents of some familiar place, like your own home or neighborhood. When
> trying to remember a list of words, take an imagined walk through your
> location, placing each item in, on, or near some familiar, easily remembered
> object. To return to the sample words above, your muscles would be seen in
> the mirror in the bathroom, tissues would be on the nightstand in your
> bedroom, the cell phone would be on the kitchen table where you left it, and
> the energy would come from the furnace in the garage.
> To retrieve these items you recreate the stroll and retrieve each item as
> you come to it. To remember these words, you ...
> read more »

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