Tuesday 25 September 2012

[karachi-Friends] حرمت رسول اور ہم حصہ آخر


From: Masood Anwar's Blog <comment-reply@wordpress.com>

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حرمت رسول اور ہم حصہ آخر

by Masood Anwar
مسعود انور
حرمت رسول ﷺ کے لئے مظاہروں کے سلسلے میں سب سے اہم بات تو ان رہنماوں کو ہی بتانا تھی کہ کب مظاہرہ کرنا ہے، کہاں کرنا ہے اور کیسے کرنا ہے۔ یہ عام آدمی کو کیا معلوم کہ اس کو اپنا احتجاج کہاں اور کیسے ریکارڈ کروانا ہے کہ اس کا اثر ہوسکے۔ مگر اس پورے سلسلے کو آپ بغور دیکھئے۔ آپ کو یہ رہنمائی کہیں پر بھی اور کسی طور پر بھی نظر آرہی ہے۔ایک عام آدمی کے جذبات کو مشتعل کیا گیا اور جب وہ عشق رسول ﷺ میں باہر نکل آیا تو اس کو معلوم ہی نہیں تھا کہ اس کی منزل کیا ہے۔ کیا امریکی قونصل خانوں اور سفارت خانوں کو جلا کر رسول کی بے حرمتی کے منظم سلسلے کو ختم کیا جاسکتا ہے۔اس کا جواب مکمل طور پر نفی میں ہے۔ اس سے تو ان کو ہم اپنے اوپر حملے کا ایک اور جواز پیش کرتے ہیں۔ احتجاج کرنے کا طریقہ وہ اختیار کرنا چاہئے کہ ان کے مفادات پر زد پڑے۔
سب سے پہلے پاکستان سے شروع کرتے ہیں۔ جب ناٹو سپلائی سرکاری طور پر پاکستان سے کھلی نہیں تھی تو دفاع پاکستان کونسل اور تحریک انصاف کے رہنما روز اس کے بارے میں الٹی میٹم جاری کرتے تھے۔ جب یہ کھل گئی تو کیا ہوا۔ محض لاہور سے لے کر اسلام آباد تک کا ایک سرکاری مارچ۔ پھر سب بھول گئے۔ یاد دلایا گیا تو کہا گیا کہ رمضان کے بعد اس کے خلاف بھرپور احتجاج ہوگا۔ اب تو عید کو گزرے ایک ماہ سے زائد کا عرصہ گذر چکا ہے۔ اس احتجاج کے موقع پر اعلان کرتے کہ افغانستان کو صرف اور صرف غذائی اشیاءکی ترسیل کی اجازت دی جائے گی ۔ اس کے علاوہ کچھ بھی نہیں۔ تعمیرات کے لئے بھاری مشینری بھی نہیں، بنکرز کی تعمیر کے لئے سیمنٹ بھی نہیں اور تیل و پٹرول بھی نہیں۔ کراچی سے لے کر چمن تک اور واہگہ سے لے کر طورخم تک کی انسانی ناکہ بندی کردیتے ۔ اس وقت تک کے لئے جب تک ہمارے مطالبات تسلیم نہیں کئے جاتے۔ مگر ایسا تو کہیں نہیں ہوا۔ کیا یہ تمام قیادت بھولی ہے؟
حسین حقانی کا بیان ریکارڈ پر موجود ہے کہ اس نے ڈھائی لاکھ سے زائد امریکیوں کو پاکستان کے ویزے جاری کئے۔ سب کے نہیں تو مگر ان میں پیشتر کے جو ان کے سرخیل ہیں، کراچی، لاہور، پشاور، کوئٹہ، اسلام آباد اور دیگر شہروں میں رہائش گاہوں کا پتہ چلایا جاسکتا ہے۔ان رہائش گاہوں کے باہر چند پرامن مظاہرے ہی معاملات کو درست کرنے کے لئے کافی تھے۔ مگر ایسا کرنے کا ایک بار بھی نہیں سوچا گیا۔ کیا پوری قیادت اس معاملے پر بھی بھولپن کا شکار ہے؟
مصر میں اخوانوں کی حکومت ہے۔ یہ بھی کچھ نہیں کرتے صرف ماہی گیروں کی کشتیاں پورے نہر سوئز میں کھڑی کردیتے۔ کہتے کہ جب تک ہمارے مطالبات نہیں مانے جائیں گے، دنیا میں کوئی تجارت نہیں ہوگی۔ ایسا ہوتے ہی ایک گھنٹے کے اندر اندر دنیا میں بھونچال آجاتا۔ مگر وہاں پر بھی ایسا نہیں ہوا۔ کیا ان کی بھی قیادت بھی بھولی ہے؟
ترکی میں رفاہ کی حکومت ہے۔ یہ حکومت ایسے ہی نہیں بن گئی، انہوں نے بھی پچاس فیصد سے زائد ووٹ حاصل کئے ہیں۔ اس کی قیادت بھی انقرہ میں ڈٹ جاتی اور انقرہ میں ناٹو کے ہیڈ آفس کا گھیراو کرلیتی اور کہتی کہ جب تک ہماری بات نہیں مانی جائے گی ناٹو کی تمام سرگرمیاں انقرہ سے معطل رہیں گی۔ ایسا ہوتے ہی ناٹو کے تمام رکن ممالک میں بھی بھونچال آجاتا۔ مگر وہاں بھی ایسا نہیں ہوا۔ کیا ان کی قیادت بھی بھولپن کا شکارہے؟
میں نے اور کسی ملک کا تذکرہ اس لئے نہیں کیا کہ کہا جائے گا کہ مشرق وسطیٰ اور عرب ممالک میں آمریت ہے۔ اس لئے وہاں پر احتجاج ممکن نہیں۔ جان لیجئے کہ اگر صرف ان تین ممالک میں ہی اس پر عمل ہوجائے تو اب تک اس ناپاک فلم کے بنانے والے سارے ملعون پابند سلاسل ہوتے اور آئندہ بھی کسی کو اس کی ہمت نہیں ہوتی۔ مگر ایسا نہیں ہوا۔ ان تینوں ممالک کی مذہبی و سیاسی قیادت بھولپن کا شکار نہیں ہے بلکہ انہوں نے یہ جان بوجھ کر کیا ہے۔
وہ جلاو گھیراو کے ذریعے عوامی جذبات کو ختم کردینا چاہتے ہیں۔ کیا شیطان رشدی کو اس کی گستاخی کی سزا مل گئی ؟ نہیں۔ اس کے بعد اس سے بڑا اقدام ہوا۔ اب چند سال کے بعد اہانت کی ڈگری میں مزید اضافہ ہوگا اور ہماری بکاو قیادت اسی طرح عوام کو اس کی عادی بناتی رہے گی۔ اصولا تو اب تک جو بھی جانی و مالی نقصان ہوا ہے۔ اس کے ازالے کے لئے مقدمہ اسی مذہبی و سیاسی قیادت کے خلاف درج ہونا چاہئے جس نے قوم کی نہ تو درست رہنمائی کی اور نہ ہی اس کا توڑ کرنے کی کوئی درست ترکیب۔ یہ بکاو قیادت دام ہم رنگ زمیں کے مصداق ، نعرے تو مخالف بلند کرتی ہے مگر اس کا ہر ہر عمل ان ہی اسلام دشمنوں کے مفاد میں جاتا ہے۔
اس دنیا پر ایک عالمگیر شیطانی حکومت کی سازشوں سے خود بھی ہشیار رہئے اور اپنے آس پاس والوں کو بھی خبردار رکھئے۔ ہشیار باش۔
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[PF:170561] go bilawal go........bilal and hina rabbani khar intimate moments... :)

go bilawal go........bilal and hina rabbani khar intimate moments... :)



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[PF:170563] 8+ Years Of DBA Experience Required -- ORACLE DBA // Houston/Dallas, TX // 12+ Months Long Term Contract

**8 Years Of Experience Needed"
** Rate: DOE **
"Need Resumes on issac@catstaffing-us.com"

Hi Friends,
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[PF:170563] immediate need Cransoft/.NET/SQL Server

Hello my name is Waleed  and I am a Technical IT Recruiter with Tekis Hub.  I am currently seeking candidates for a position in Cransoft/.NET/SQL Server Do you have any candidates for this position that possess the following skills?


If you have any consultants please send me their updated resume, Contact Number along with their Billing rate!

Job Title : Cransoft/.NET/SQL Server

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Having Cransoft knowledge would be a great advantage - but, if not available, we can plan for training                                                                      

Flexibility to work for extended hours and over the weekend during deployment window


Thanks & Regards

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[PF:170559] Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says

Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says

By the CNN Wire Staff
September 25, 2012 -- Updated 1435 GMT (2235 HKT)

A Pakistani man burns an American flag during a protest against U.S. drone attacks in Multan on February 9, 2012.
A Pakistani man burns an American flag during a protest against U.S. drone attacks in Multan on February 9, 2012

(CNN) -- U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan have killed far more people than the United States has acknowledged, have traumatized innocent residents and largely been ineffective, according to a new study released Tuesday.
The study by Stanford Law School and New York University's School of Law calls for a re-evaluation of the practice, saying the number of "high-level" targets killed as a percentage of total casualties is extremely low -- about 2%.
The report accuses Washington of misrepresenting drone strikes as "a surgically precise and effective tool that makes the U.S. safer," saying that in reality, "there is significant evidence that U.S. drone strikes have injured and killed civilians."
It also casts doubts on Washington's claims that drone strikes produce zero to few civilian casualties and alleges that the United States makes "efforts to shield the drone program from democratic accountability."
The drone strike program has long been controversial, with conflicting reports on its impact from U.S. and Pakistani officials and independent organizations.
President Barack Obama told CNN last month that a target must meet "very tight and very strict standards."
In contrast to more conservative U.S. statements, the Stanford/NYU report -- titled "Living Under Drones" -- offers starker figures published by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, an independent organization based at City University in London.
"TBIJ reports that from June 2004 through mid-September 2012, available data indicate that drone strikes killed 2,562 - 3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom 474 - 881 were civilians, including 176 children. TBIJ reports that these strikes also injured an additional 1,228 - 1,362 individuals," according to the Stanford/NYU study.
Based on interviews with witnesses, victims and experts, the report accuses the CIA of "double-striking" a target, moments after the initial hit, thereby killing first responders.
It also highlights harm "beyond death and physical injury," publishing accounts of psychological trauma experienced by people living in Pakistan's tribal northwest region, who it says hear drones hover 24 hours a day.
"Before this we were all very happy," the report quotes an anonymous resident as saying. "But after these drones attacks a lot of people are victims and have lost members of their family. A lot of them, they have mental illnesses."
People have to live with the fear that a strike could come down on them at any moment of the day or night, leaving behind dead whose "bodies are shattered to pieces," and survivors who must be desperately sped to a hospital.
The report concedes that "real threats to U.S. security and to Pakistani civilians exist in the Pakistani border areas now targeted by drones." And it acknowledges that drone strikes have "killed alleged combatants and disrupted armed actor networks."
But it concludes that drone strikes, which are conducted by the CIA in a country not at war with the United States, are too harmful to civilians, too sloppy, legally questionable and do more harm to U.S. interests than good.
"A significant rethinking of current U.S. targeted killing and drone strike policies is long overdue," it says. "U.S. policy-makers, and the American public, cannot continue to ignore evidence of the civilian harm and counter-productive impacts of U.S. targeted killings and drone strikes in Pakistan."
The study recommends that Washington undertake measures to rectify collateral damage -- including making public detailed legal justification for strikes, implementing mechanisms transparently to account for civilian casualties, ensuring independent investigations into drone strike deaths, prosecuting cases of civilian casualties and compensating civilians harmed by U.S. strikes in Pakistan.
Nine months of research went into the report, according to its authors, which included "two investigations in Pakistan, more than 130 interviews with victims, witnesses, and experts, and review of thousands of pages of documentation and media reporting."
U.S. authorities have largely kept quiet on the subject of drone strikes in Pakistan.
However, the use of armed drones to target and kill suspected terrorists has increased dramatically during the Obama administration, according to Peter Bergen, CNN's national security analyst and a director at the New America Foundation, a Washington-based think tank that monitors drone strikes.
Obama has already authorized 283 strikes in Pakistan, six times more than the number during President George W. Bush's eight years in office, Bergen wrote earlier this month. As a result, the number of estimated deaths from the Obama administration's drone strikes is more than four times what it was during the Bush administration -- somewhere between 1,494 and 2,618.
However, an analysis by the New America Foundation says that the civilian casualty rate from drone strikes has been dropping sharply since 2008 despite the rising death toll.
"The number of civilians plus those individuals whose precise status could not be determined from media reports -- labeled 'unknowns' by NAF -- reported killed by drones in Pakistan during Obama's tenure in office were 11% of fatalities," said Bergen. "So far in 2012 it is close to 2%. Under President Bush it was 33%."
The foundation's analysis relies on credible media outlets in Pakistan, which in turn rely on Pakistani officials and local villagers' accounts, Bergen said, rather than on U.S. figures.
The drone program is deeply unpopular in Pakistan, where the national parliament voted in April to end any authorization for it. This, however, was "a vote that the United States government has simply ignored," according to Bergen.
Obama told CNN's Jessica Yellin this month that the use of armed drones was "something that you have to struggle with."
"If you don't, then it's very easy to slip into a situation in which you end up bending rules thinking that the ends always justify the means," he continued. "That's not been our tradition. That's not who we are as a country."
Obama also addressed his criteria for lethal action in the interview, although he repeatedly declined to acknowledge any direct involvement in selecting targets.
"It has to be a target that is authorized by our laws. It has to be a threat that is serious and not speculative. It has to be a situation in which we can't capture the individual before they move forward on some sort of operational plot against the United States," Obama said.
The rights organization Reprieve, which said that with the help of a partner organization in Pakistan it had facilitated access to some of the people interviewed for the study, backed its findings.
"This shows that drone strikes go much further than simply killing innocent civilians. An entire region is being terrorized by the constant threat of death from the skies," said Reprieve's director, Clive Stafford Smith.
"Their way of life is collapsing: kids are too terrified to go to school, adults are afraid to attend weddings, funerals, business meetings, or anything that involves gathering in groups. Yet there is no end in sight, and nowhere the ordinary men, women and children of North West Pakistan can go to feel safe."

May Allah bless you with true success of this world as well as of the hereafter!

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,
you have no today to be thankful for.

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Re: [PF:170568] scroll down and vote "No".


On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 8:53 PM, Hayat Khan <khanhayat454@gmail.com> wrote:

On 24 September 2012 21:44, tayyab hameed <engr.tayyab.hameed@gmail.com> wrote:
plz tell me where is the option on to vote this link??????

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 2:39 AM, Rehan <rehansheik@gmail.com> wrote:


go to this link,
there is official voting for
Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallaho Alayhe Wasallam)

scroll down and vote "No".

Our votes are too low please.

inform everyone.

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what was my fault

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[Pak-Friends] Group Member
Visit Group: http://groups.google.com/group/Karachi-786
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All members are expected to follow these Simple Rules:
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[PF:170571] immediate need RedWood Admin....

Hello my name is Waleed  and I am a Technical IT Recruiter with Teki Hub.  I am currently seeking candidates for a position in RedWood Admin.  Do you have any candidates for this position that possess the following skills?


If you have any consultants please send me their updated resume....

Job Title : RedWood Admin

Location  : Houston, TX                                                                    

Duration  : 6 Months


• Install and Configure SAP Redwood servers and maintain Sysco license

• Import/export jobs from ECC and redwood.

• Should be able to schedule process chain jobs and set job failure alerts at every stage.

• Should be able to define a job which is dependent on multiple jobs

• Should be able to set alerts for every job failed and alert should reach respective job owner's email box and on cell/pager as well.

• Lead batch scheduling effort

• Gather batch scheduling requirements

• Design and validate batch dependencies, process chains and notification requirements

• Work with the Solution Architecture team to validate batch job impact on the 24 hour clock

• Coordinate with security team to ensure batch sensitive information in batch job spool is secured as per standards

• Configure batch jobs in Dev and promote jobs to upstream environments

• Perform unit, integration and performance testing in accordance with Sysco testing standards

• Configure calendar elements such as time window and submit frame

• Configure batch alerting based on email distribution lists for functional sub/teams

• Configure Financial ClosingCockpit  (FCc) in consultation with the Finance team

• Activate automation of batch jobs

• Performs other job duties as assigned.

• Lead the definition and adoption of process automation standards and templates to meet Sysco's objectives for management by exception, standardization    
   of automation models across "Op Codes" and continuous process improvement.

• Defiing the enterprise automation standards and templates to minimize resources to build, manage, maintain and operate over time and waves

• Define and lead the evolution of the enterprise process automation roadmap

• Work with business users to identify business processes with opportunities for improved efficiency or competitiveness.

• Provide guidance and oversight to teams developing CPS job definitions

• Apply recommended SAP/Redwood bug fixes like OSS Notes, patches, support packages, kernel patches/upgrades and Support Stacks as required

Thanks & Regards

[Pak-Friends] Group Member
Visit Group: http://groups.google.com/group/Karachi-786
Subscription: http://groups.google.com/group/karachi-786/subscribe
All members are expected to follow these Simple Rules:
Be Careful in Islamic Discussions;
Bad language and insolence against Prophets (and / or their companions, Islamic Scholars, and saints) is an Instant ban.
Abuse of any kind (to the Group, or it's Members) shall not be tolerated.
SPAM, Advertisement, and Adult messages are NOT allowed.
This is not Dating / Love Group, avoid sending personnel messages to group members.
Do not post anything linked to (or in favor of) facebook.

[PF:170571] Interview This Week :::: HP Enterprise Management Consultant // Celebration, FL // 12+ Months Long Term Contract

"Kindly Send Matching Profiles"
"Need Resumes on issac@catstaffing-us.com"

Hi Friends,
Hope you are doing great!
I have an urgent opening for a HP Enterprise Management Consultant Position in FL. Please let me know if you are interested in the below position ASAP.
HP Enterprise Management Consultant

Location: Celebration, FL
Duration: 12+ Months Long Term Contract
"Experience "deploying HP OMv9 and migrate HP OMv8 client to the new Omv9 services"
*8+ years of progressive experience in IT related fields.
*5+ years experience delivering monitoring solutions using a variety of tools in a broad range of environments.
*Ability to be flexible in deployment and configuration to integrate with on going business.
*Must possess strong "soft skills" to work with established customer base and team
*HP Monitoring certifications / training
*ITIL Foundations Certified (v2 or v3)
*Ability to analyze complex technical data and develop innovative solutions, to quickly and efficiently meet customer needs.
*Experience working in a multi-business unit company environment.
*Must be a self starter and team player.
*Ability to take initiative and work independent of close supervision.
*Able to create and support Perl and other shell scripts related to the HP platform
*Be able to work in Lake Buena Vista, FL
Software Packages:
*HP Operations Manager v9x on Linux (Primary)
*Integration between HP OM and HP Business Service Manager (Primary)
*Integration between HP OM and xMatters AlarmPoint v4x (Primary)
*HP Performance Manager v9x Linux (Primary)
*HP SiteScope v9x on Linux (Secondary)
*Blue Elephant Midas (Secondary)
Best Regards,
Issac | Technical Recruiter
CAT Technology Inc.,.
411 Hackensack Avenue 7th Floor,
Hackensack, NJ -  (07601)
Visit us at -
Voice: 201-257-5081*164 or 162| Fax: 201-342-2385
issac@catstaffing-us.com | issac291@yahoo.com
WiseStep: http://www.wisestep.com/pub/issac.aspx
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/issac291

[Pak-Friends] Group Member
Visit Group: http://groups.google.com/group/Karachi-786
Subscription: http://groups.google.com/group/karachi-786/subscribe
All members are expected to follow these Simple Rules:
Be Careful in Islamic Discussions;
Bad language and insolence against Prophets (and / or their companions, Islamic Scholars, and saints) is an Instant ban.
Abuse of any kind (to the Group, or it's Members) shall not be tolerated.
SPAM, Advertisement, and Adult messages are NOT allowed.
This is not Dating / Love Group, avoid sending personnel messages to group members.
Do not post anything linked to (or in favor of) facebook.

[karachi-Friends] Oh my Prophet! You are the essence of my life- Dr.M.K.Sherwani

_Oh my Prophet! You are the essence of my life,

The Almighty made you supreme in the creation;

But these ignorant fools will remain in the dark,

Till our Jesus comes to affirm your true position.

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.

Be Carefull in Islamic Discussions;
Disrespect (of Ambiyaa, Sahabaa, Oliyaa, and Ulamaa) is an INSTANT BAN
Abuse of any kind (to the Group, or it's Members) shall not be tolerated
SPAM, Advertisement, and Adult messages are NOT allowed
This is not Dating / Love Group, Sending PM's to members will be an illegal act.
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[PF:170549] pictures to watch.

Um cavalo-marinho inspeciona o relógio de um mergulhador

Um túnel cheio de neve iluminado na Rússia

Vários lutadores de kung fu

Picada de abelha

Arte de rua na Polônia

Mount Rainier

Humano x animal

Jardim na Irlândia

Lua sobre a ponte Dahu Park, em Taipei


Gásadalur Village, nas Ilhas Faroe

Borda do Mundo

Ponto suspensa, em Vancouver

Monges meditando em Pongour

Um eclipse do sol

Bora Bora a partir do espaço

Concentração de canoas e caiaques

Raízes na selva de concreto

Hamilton Pool


Encontro de rios, em Genebra, Suiça

Cobra Cipó

Aurora australis a partir do espaço

Monte Kilimanjaro

A força surpreendente de uma formiga

Ônibus na Cidade do México

Felix Baumgartner se preparando para quebrar recorde saltando a 21 mil metros


Cataratas do Iguaçu

Trilhos de trem na floresta

Grupo de baleias descansando

7 horas em uma imagem

Retrato humano

Múltiplas decolagens no aeroporto de Hannover

Baleia em perspectiva

Gelo na Suíça

Um barco e 145 esquiadores

Salar de Uyuni depois de alguma chuva

Jacuzzi ao ar livre no Matterhorn

O precioso mármore azul

Maelstrom em Kauai, Hawaii

Navio Costa Concórdia a partir do espaço

Berna a partir do alto

what was my fault

[Pak-Friends] Group Member
Visit Group: http://groups.google.com/group/Karachi-786
Subscription: http://groups.google.com/group/karachi-786/subscribe
All members are expected to follow these Simple Rules:
Be Careful in Islamic Discussions;
Bad language and insolence against Prophets (and / or their companions, Islamic Scholars, and saints) is an Instant ban.
Abuse of any kind (to the Group, or it's Members) shall not be tolerated.
SPAM, Advertisement, and Adult messages are NOT allowed.
This is not Dating / Love Group, avoid sending personnel messages to group members.
Do not post anything linked to (or in favor of) facebook.