Thursday 19 December 2013

{Kantakji Group}. Add '12326' بريطانيا تتخلى عن عملتها الورقية في ٢٠١٦

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بريطانيا تتخلى عن عملتها الورقية في 2016
Thu, Dec 19th 2013 12:00 AM
هشام محمود من لندن بحلول عام 2016 سيكون بإمكان كل مقيم أو زائر لبريطانيا، أن يضع ملابسه وبها حافظة نقوده في ماكينة الغسيل، دون أن يقلق من أن الماء سيبلل نقوده، ويجعلها غير قابلة للتداول، فبعد نحو عامين من الآن، أي بحلول عام 2016 ستختفي العملة الورقية للجنيه الاسترليني لتحل محلها عملات بلاستيكية. ويأتي قرار بنك إنجلترا (البنك المركزي البريطاني) بالتحول من العملة الورقية إلى البلاستيكية، بعد أبحاث استمرت ثلاث سنوات، لأن تكلفة العملة البلاستيكية أرخص إنتاجاً على الأمد الطويل من العملات الورقية، ويصعب تزييفها، كما أنها أنظف، حيث يمكن للمواطن أن يقوم بغسلها وتنظيفها بالماء دون أدنى قلق، بخلاف العملات الورقية الراهنة التي تسمى بالعملات القطنية. وكان مارك كارني محافظ بنك إنجلترا، وهو المحافظ السابق لبنك كندا المركزي قد أدخل العملة البلاستيكية لكندا قبل أن يتولى منصبه في بريطانيا، وقد علق كارني على العملة الجديدة بالقول: ''إن ضمان الثقة بالمال هو في صميم ما تقوم به البنوك المركزية، والعملة البلاستيكية هي الخطوة التالية في تطور تصميم الأوراق النقدية لتلبية هذا الهدف. فهي أكثر أمنا من التزوير، ويمكن أن تنتج بتكلفة أقل لدافعي الضرائب وأقل تأثيرا بشكل سلبي في البيئة''.

عن موقع الاقتصادية

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what was my fault

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[PF:172985] Third Largest Persian Carpet Unveiled in Tehran.

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[karachi-Friends] Daily Qur'an & Hadith 20 Dec 2013 (16 Safar 1435)

English Translation of Al-Quran

[27].Surah Al-Naml [The Ants]

Ayat 38. Sulaiman PBUH (Solomon) said: "O chiefs! Which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me surrendering themselves in obedience?"

Ayat 39. An Ifrit (strong) from the jinns said: "I will bring it to you before you rise from your place (council). And verily, I am indeed strong, and trustworthy for such work."

Tafseer of Surah Al Naml (The Ants) Ayat 38 & 39. He said (to his own men): "Ye chiefs! which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?" The throne is symbolical of power and dignity. So far her throne was based on material wealth: Solomon is going to alter it to a basis of Faith and the Religion of Unity. Said an ´Ifrit, of the Jinns: "I will bring it to thee before thou rise from thy council: indeed I have full strength for the purpose, and may be trusted." 'Ifrit: a large, powerful jinn, reputed to be crafty: hence he is anxious to be recognized as one that "could be trusted".  

English Translation of Hadith  

Hazrat Ubadah bin As-Samit (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: We swore allegiance to Messenger of Allah  [SAWW](PBUH) to hear and obey; in time of difficulty and in prosperity, in hardship and in ease, to endure being discriminated against and not to dispute about rule with those in power, except in case of evident infidelity regarding which there is a proof from Allah. We swore allegiance to Messenger of Allah  [SAWW](PBUH) to say what was right wherever we were, and not to fear from anyone's reproach. [Muslim Volume 020, Book 08, Hadith # 4541].  

Lesson : It has been emphasized in this Hadith that even if a Muslim ruler is sinful and cruel, one should not disobey him unless he orders to go against the Divine injunctions. In that case, such rulers should not be obeyed. Similarly, it is not permissible to revolt against them until they commit clear-cut infidelity because there is a greater danger of loss in revolt and rebellion. It should be noted once and for all that the expression of truth and compliance with religious injunctions have top priority on all occasions. This should be done regardless of what people say on this account.



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(Jazak Allah Khair)


[PF:172984] Is saying "Jumu'ah Mubarak" a Bid'ah?

Allah – beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise is to Him who guided the believers to the truth. And may His blessings and salutations be upon our master Muhammad, the seal of the Prophets and the coolness of our eyes.

A message is being widely circulated these days that it is impermissible to greet Jumu'ah Mubarak and that it is a bid'ah (May Allah Forbid). First and foremost, one should understand that the salaf of this ummah have explained bid'ah (innovation) as being of two fundamental types:

In the Sahih of al-Imam al-Bukhari, it is mentioned that Sayyiduna Umar ibn al-Khattab (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) stated concerning the 20 rak'ats of tarawih prayer, in congregation, behind one imam:

"What a good bid'ah it is!"

Al-Hafidh al-Imam al-Bayhaqi (Alayhir Rahmah) narrates through a sahih isnad (authentic chain of transmission) in Manaqib al-Imam al-Shafi'i, that Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Fadl narrated to us that Abu al-'Abbas al-Assam narrated to him that Rabi' ibn Sulayman narrated to him that al-Imam ash-Shafi'i informed him:

"The newly-invented matters from the affairs are of two kinds: One of them is whatever is innovated contravening [a matter from] the Book, or [a matter from] the Sunnah, or a narration, or a [matter of] consensus, then this is an innovation of misguidance (al-bid'atu al-dalalatu). The second is whatever is innovated of the good which does not contravene any of these, then this is an innovation which is not blameworthy (Ghayru Mazmumatin)."

Regarding congratulating one another on the day of 'Eid, al-Sayyid ibn 'Aabideen al-Shami (Alayhir Rahma) relates from al-Muhaqqiq ibn 'Aamir Haaj (Alayhir Rahmah) that he considered it: 'Ja'iz' (permissible) and 'Mustahabb' (commendable) in general. He also considered the wording popular in his time: 'Eidun Mubarakun Alayka' (a blessed Eid upon you) to take the same rule. He has mentioned:

"Supplication for barakah (blessing) in many affairs has reached us, thus the commendability of supplication for it here (on the day of 'Eid) can be taken from that." [Radd al-Muhtar, Vol. 2, Page 169]

The barakah of Jumu'ah and its being a day of eid is clear in the Prophetic Ahadith such as in the hadith of the Sahih of Ibn Hibban where it is mentioned that the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said regarding the day of Jumu'ah:

"Verily it is a day of Eid." [Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith 3610]

In a further hadith of the Sunan of Ibn Majah it is mentioned that the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said:

"Verily the day of Jumu'ah is the master of days." [Sunan ibn Majah, Hadith 1084]

The barakah of Jumu'ah is such that al-Hafidh Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (Alayhir Rahmah) has gathered 100 special qualities related to it with supporting evidences in his work al-Lumu'ah fi Khasa'is al-Jumu'ah.

If one greets his brother with salam and then supplicates for him on the day of Jumu'ah saying "Jumu'ah Mubarak", then there is nothing in that which goes against the principles of the shari'ah which would make it a reprehensible bid'ah. In fact it is established that from the blessings of Jumu'ah is a hidden time in which the du'a of a slave is answered as in the hadith of the Sahih of al-Imam Muslim:

"Verily there is a time in the day of Jumu'ah, that no Muslim coincides with it supplicating to Allah for good except that Allah bestows it upon him." [Sahih Muslim, Hadith 852]

The opinion of those who are not upon the Aqidah of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah is of no value in matters of Deen.

And Allah knows the best and His beloved Messenger knows the best.

— — —

Answered by
Mawlana Ibrar Shafi

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[karachi-Friends] Pakistan under the yoke of dajjali system

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{Kantakji Group}. Add '12325' The Saudi Water Sector


Nawaf Y. Husein

Faculty Member
 Msc, CRP , CLBB
 Saudi Training Society Member

 Institute of Banking
 Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency ( SAMA)
 P.O.Box : 10820   Riyadh 11443 Saudi Arabia
 Tel : + 966 1 463 3000   Ext. 3825
 Fax: + 966 1 466 2368
 Mobile : + 966 55 48 44 828


 SKYPE : abuhejleh2 




Dear Readers,


Please find attached our latest In-Focus report: The Saudi Water Sector: "Balancing Water and Food Security Against Rising Water Demand Challenges in the Kingdom"


Executive Summary



·          Saudi Arabia's rapidly rising population, urbanization and industrial development and large investments in social and physical infrastructure, have exerted demand pressure on the existing water resources.


·          In 2012, contracts in the water sector amounted to a total of SAR8.9 billion, and those in the waste water sector amounted to SAR2.6 billion.

·          Inefficiencies in water consumption at the national level have called for enhancing water use efficiency in the agricultural sector.

·          In 2009, The King Abdullah Initiative for Saudi Agricultural Investment Abroad was launched with investment amounting to SAR3 billion from private sector Saudi companies.

·          The water sector in the Kingdom is highly subsidized directly–to end-users who pay below production cost–and indirectly, in the form of fuel credit subsidies.

·          End-users in the Kingdom pay low water costs which range between 5%–10% of the actual production cost in the public sector.

·          Saudi Arabia is the largest producer of desalinated water in the world – it currently accounts for an 18% share of global output.

·          Using a total cost of SAR6.29 which includes a weighted average production cost of SAR2.77/m3, SAR1.12/m3 and SAR2.4/m3 attributable to the cost of transportation and distribution, respectively, then it can be inferred that the market size for the public water sector is equivalent to SAR5,572 million. 

·          Challenges include the rapid depletion of groundwater resources, and the costly desalination process, which consequently creates a lack of fuel monetization.

·          The Kingdom is looking at an alternative energy mix for sustainability. In 2012, the Kingdom began operations at the world's largest solar-powered water desalination plant in the city of Khafji, with a capacity of 30,000 m3/day.



Best regards,

NCB Economics Department 

Telephone: +9662646-3232    FAX: +9662644-9783





Re: [PF:172982] Look at those who stand lower level than you


On 12/18/13, Rehan <> wrote:
> *ALQURANIC Mail [The Ultimate Guide ALQURAN]*
> Assalam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
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> [2. Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 43]
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> *Look at those who stand lower level than you*
> *[Sahih Muslim : Book 42 "Kitab Al-Zuhd wa Al-Raqa'iq", Number 7068]*
> Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace
> be upon him) said:
> "When one of you looks at one who stands at a higher level than you in
> regard to wealth and physical structure he should also see one who stands
> at a lower level than you in regard to these things (in which he stands) at
> a hi-her level (as compared to him)."
> *[Sahih Muslim : Book 42 "Kitab Al-Zuhd wa Al-Raqa'iq", Number 7070]*
> Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon
> him) as saying:
> "Look at those who stand at a lower level than you but don't look at those
> who stand at a higher level than you, for this would make the favours
> (conferred upon you by Allah) insignificant (in your eyes). Abu Mu'awiya
> said: Upon you."
> Our Lord! accept from us; surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.
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