Thursday 4 April 2013

[PF:172061] best NA'AT

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[karachi-Friends] Daily Qur'an & Hadith 05 April 2013 (23 Jamadi Al`Awwal 1434)

English Translation of Al-Quran

[21].Al-Anbiya [The Prophets]

Ayat 110. Verily, He (Allah) knows that which is spoken aloud (openly) and that which you conceal.

Ayat 111. And I know not, perhaps it may be a trial for you, and an enjoyment for a while.

Ayat 112. He (Muhammad  [SAWW](PBUH) said:"My Lord! Judge You in truth! Our Lord is the Most Beneficent, Whose Help is to be sought against that which you attribute (unto Allah that He has offspring, and unto Muhammad [SAWW](PBUH) that he is a sorcerer, and unto the Qur'an that it is poetry, etc.)!"

These are the last Ayat of Surah Anbiya, 21st Surah of Al-Quran, this Surah contained 112 ayats, from tomorrow 22nd Surah of Al-Quran Surah Hajj  [The Pilgrimage] will starts Insha Allah.

[Tafseer] "It is He Who knows what is open in speech and what ye hide (in your hearts). The Messenger of Allah freely and impartially teaches all how to carry out Allah's Will and live a good life. If some of them are hypocrites and come into the Ummah (Brotherhood) from baser motives and not the pure motives of the love of Allah, their motives and conduct will be judged by Allah and not by men. "I know not but that it may be a trial for you, and a grant of (worldly) livelihood (to you) for a time. In the same way if men who come into the Brotherhood from pure motives and yet feel aggrieved that those outside are better off from a worldly point of view, they are wrong. It may be that the fleeting enjoyment of this world's goods is but a trial, and they should be grateful for being saved from temptation. Say: "O my Lord! judge Thou in truth!" "Our Lord Most Gracious is the One Whose assistance should be sought against the blasphemies ye utter!" The better reading is "Say" in the imperative, rather than "He (the Prophet) said (or says)" in the indicative mood. Note that, on that construction, there are three distinct things which the Prophet is asked to say: viz.: (1) the statement in verses 109-111, addressed to those who turn away from the Message; (2) the prayer addressed to Allah in the first part of verse 112; and (3) the advice given indirectly to the Believers, in the second part of verse 112.1 have marked these divisions by means of inverted commas. That is, Allah's judgment as between the Teacher and those who refused the Message, or between the righteous and those who taunt them for their poverty, will be the true one, and both the Teacher and the Ummah must leave the judgment to Allah. Blasphemy is a dreadful sin. We must guard ourselves from it. But as regards others, if we cannot prevent it, we must pray to Allah for assistance and not rely upon carnal weapons.  

English Translation of Hadith  

Hazrat Kaab bin Iyad (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) said, "Verily, there is a Fitnah (trial) for every nation and the trial for my nation (or Ummah) is wealth.''

[At-Tirmidhi Hadith # 2336].

Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al-Anbiya Ayat 111."perhaps it may be a trial for you, and an enjoyment for a while." The word "Fitnah'' means trial. Anything with which a person is tried is a Fitnah for him. For this reason children and property have been regarded Fitnah for mankind in the Noble Qur'an. This Hadith strongly urges the Muslim Ummah to exercise moderation in their love for worldly goods and riches otherwise all these things, which are Gifts of Allah, can become a source of woeful torture for them.


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[PF:172061] "best NA'AT and ADHAN.

best naat in the world
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lyrics translate :-
Mawla ya salli wa sallim daa'iman, abadann
'Ala habeebika khayri khalqi kullihimi.

O Mawla (Protector, speaking to Allah), send prayers and peace always and forever
Upon Your beloved, the best out of all of Creation.

Muhammadun sayyidul kawnayni wath-thaqalayn,
Wal fareeqayni min 'urbiw-wa min 'ajami.

Muhammad is the Sayyid (Master) of the two worlds and the two groups (men and jinn),
And the Guide of both the Arabs and the non-Arabs.

Nabiyyunal amirun-nahi fala ahadun,
Abarra fi qawli la minhu wa la na'ami.

He is our Prophet, commanding the right and forbidding the wrong, and there is none,
More true in word, saying "Yes" (meaning this is permitted) or "No" (meaning this is haram).

Huwal habeebul-ladhee turja shafaa'atuhu
Li kulli hawlim-minal ahwali muqutahimi.

He is the Habib (beloved) of the One, from whom we have hopes of intercession (shafa)
In (from) all the woes that have descended upon the humans.

Da'a ilallahi fal mustamsi koona bihi
Mustamsi koona bi hablin ghayri munfasimi.

He called us to the path of Allah, and those who cling to him
Have held the rope of Allah so tight, that it would never break.

Faqan nabiyyina fi khalqiw-wa fi khuluqin
Wa lam yudaanuhu fi 'ilmiw-wa la karami.

He surpasses all the Prophets in khalq (creation/external appearance) and in khuluq (characters/internal apprearance)
None could reach his rank in knowledge (ilm) and in generosity (karam).

Famablaghul 'ilmi feehi annahu basharun
Wa annahu khayru khalqillahi kullihimi.

Our utmost knowledge about him says that he is a bashar (human being)
He is the most distinguished and the best, out of all of Creation.
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البرنامج التدريبى (السكرتارية المعاصرة والإدارة الفعالة للمكاتب) في ظل تكنولوجيا المعلومات والإتصالات خلال الفترة من 28 أبريل الى 2 مايو لعام 2013

الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية

البرنامج التدريبى

(السكرتارية المعاصرة والإدارة الفعالة للمكاتب)

في ظل تكنولوجيا المعلومات والإتصالات

بإعتماد: المعهد الأوروبى لمدراء الأعمال EIBM

European Institute for Business Managers

اسطنبول – تركيا

خلال الفترة من 28 أبريل الى 2 مايو لعام  2013


بهدف إطلاع المشاركين على الأسس الحديثة لإدارة مكاتب المستقبل بفاعلية و توضيح أهمية الدور المحوري للسكرتارية المعاصرة من خلال تنمية مهارات الإتصالات مع التركيز على المراسلات تقديم شرحاً شاملاً وافياً للمشاركين عن الإعدادات للمؤتمرات وإدارة عملية انعقادها، تدريب المشاركين على تقنيات الحاسوب وأستخدامها لتسهيل القيام بأعمال المكاتب وسرعة إنجازها، إلمام المشاركين بحفظ المعلومات وسرعة استرجاعها .

كان إنعقاد هذا البرنامج والذي يعرض في إطارة العام إلى : الإدارة الفعاّلة لمكاتب المستقبل، التوجيه المستمر والإرشاد لتطبيق الأنظمة والسياسات المختلفة التي تضعها الإدارة، تحديد الإحتياجات الرئيسية التي تشتمل عليها أنشطة الإدارة المكتبية، السكرتارية المعاصرة ودورها المحوري، مهمات وواجبات ووظائف السكرتارية، التطوير الذاتي، التقييم الذاتي، كشف وتحديد نقاط القوة والضعف، التقنيات الحديثة في إدارة المكاتب، وسائل الإتصالات وعوامل نجاح ومعوقات عملية الإتصال.

مستهدفين في ذلك: موظفو السكرتارية ، مدراء المكاتب، الموظفين المناط بهم مساعدة كبار المدراء ورؤساء مجالس الإدارة، جميع موظفي السكرتارية التنفيذية.

وبهذه المناسبة يسعدنا دعوتكم للمشاركة وتعميم خطابنا على المهتمين بموضوع البرنامج وإفادتنا بمن تقترحون توجيه الدعوة لهم علماً بأن رسوم الاشتراك 1200 دولار أمريكى للفرد.

لمزيد من المعلومات يمكنكم التواصل مع

                                                       نائب مدير التدريب

ياسر دسوقى

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