Sunday 1 January 2012

[PF:167885] اسلامیہ کالج اور دارالعلوم کراچی

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[karachi-Friends] Fwd: Gregorian calendar

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Date: 1 January 2012 20:01
Subject: Gregorian calendar

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[PF:167886] Calling the entire world towards Saiyidul A’ayaad !

Bismillahir Rwa'hmaanir Rwa'heem


Calling the entire world towards Saiyidul A'ayaad !



Salam to you all, on the True Path of Allah Rwabbul 'Alamin. The endless magnanimity of Allah Pak has blessed us with our most beloved Rwasool, Noor-e-Muzassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa sallam! Not only that, The Most Compassionate has fervently designated our Rwasool Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam as Rwa'hmatullil 'Alamin (Quran Shareef: 21/107), irrespective of any discrimination of religion, caste or species!

And, therefore, the most fortunate and pompous event in the entire creation is the Observance of Saiyidul A'ayaad, Saiyide 'Eid-e-A'azwam, 'Eid-e-Akbar, the sacred 'Eid-e-Meeladunnabi Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam on the Mubarok date of 12th of Mahe Robiul Auwal Shareef, which merits beyond any doubt as an individual far'd also! (Quran Shareef: 10/58) 

Lesson for all of us on the auspicious Saiyidul A'ayaad


Hazrat Abu Bakre Siddique (Rwadiallahu Ta'aala 'Anhu) commented:


"Anybody spending a 'Dirham' for Saiyidul Ayad, Saiyide Eid-e-Azam, Eid-e-Miladunnabi (Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) shall be my 'company' in Jannat !"

(An Ni'matul Kubra Alal Alam)

Justifiably, in order to receive the greatest satisfaction of Allah Pak and Rwa'hmatullil 'Alamin Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam, our compliance must follow the Sunnah Shareef!

We hope that all of us earn THEIR highest level of satisfaction.







Tahjib-Tamaddun Department

Rajarbag Shareef, Dhaka-1217


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[karachi-Friends] Lack of attention to time

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              Sending my latest writeup for you.

                                               Muhammad Javed Iqbal

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[PF:167883] Fwd: Pakistan Pal: U.S. army to send new helicopter drone to Afghanistan


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From: <>
Date: Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 7:01 PM
Subject: Pakistan Pal: U.S. army to send new helicopter drone to Afghanistan

RIA Novosti

10:55 30/12/2011

MOSCOW, December 30 (RIA Novosti) - The U.S. Army is almost ready to deploy to Afghanistan a new rotary-wing surveillance drone, the Boeing A160T Hummingbird, equipped with a cutting-edge 1.8-gigapixel camera, the army says.

Three drones, or unmanned air vehicles (UAV) in military jargon, will be deployed to Afghanistan in May or June, after they complete flight testing in Arizona at the beginning of the year, said the US Army's project manager for unmanned air systems modernization, Lt. Col. Matthew Munster.

The drones are capable of "beaming back information and images of the surrounding terrain" in real time thanks to the highly sensitive 1.8-gigapixel camera, the largest video sensor used in tactical missions, the U.S. Army said on its website.

Hummingbird's surveillance equipment can "track people and vehicles from altitudes above 20,000 feet (over six kilometers) across almost 65 square miles (168 square kilometers)," the army said.

The 35-foot (11 meter) aircraft has the advantage of not needing a runway thanks to its rotary-wing configuration - ideal in Afghanistan's mountainous terrain.

The drones' hovering capability is one of the unique features that existing unmanned aircraft do not have, maker Boeing says. Hummingbird also has better hovering performance than other rotary-wing UAVs thanks to new technology allowing it to change its rotor speed according to altitude.

The UAV's sophisticated "eye-in-the-sky" technology has, however, been blamed for a number of a "friendly fire" incidents in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Islamabad hit out furiously at NATO over drone strikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers on the Afghan border in November. NATO claimed the attack was a result of incorrect mapping information.

In early December, Iran unveiled video footage showing a captured U.S. RQ-170 UAV. Tehran refused to return the drone and demanded an apology from the Pentagon for the invasion of its territory.

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{Kantakji Group}. Add '10625' تجدون في الموسوعة: البحوث المشاركة في: المؤتمر العالمي الثامن للاقتصاد والتمويل الإسلامي/ديسمبر 2011م

تهديكم موسوعة الاقتصاد والتمويل الإسلامي أطيب التحيات..

وتضع بين أيديكم الأوراق المشاركة في:

المؤتمر العالمي الثامن للاقتصاد والتمويل الإسلامي

" النمو المستدام والتنمية الاقتصادية الشاملة من المنظور الإسلامي "

المنعقد في: الدوحة، قطر، خلال الفترة من 18 إﻟﻰ 20 دﻴﺴﻤﺒر 2011م

وروابطها هي:

دور الحكم الراشد في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية

نمذجة الآثار الاقتصادية للزكاة « دراسة تحليلية لدور الزكاة في تحقيق الاستقرار والنمو الاقتصادي

جاهزية الدول العربية للاندماج في اقتصاد المعرفة – دراسة نظرية تحليلية

أهم الانتقادات الموجهة لسعر الفائدة كسعر إستراتيجي في النظام الاقتصادي المعاصر

إدارة المخاطر في البنوك الإسلامية – خديجة خالدي

النموذج البنكي الإسلامي في ظل الأزمة المالية ( 2009- حالة البنوك الخليجية( 2007)

البنوك الإسلامية و النظم و المعايير الاحترازية الجديدة: ( واقع و آفاق تطبيق لمقررات بازل 3

برامج التمويل الإسلامي في مؤسسات التعليم العالي: الواقع والآفاق

دور المؤسسات الزكوية في معالجة الفقر وفق برنامج التنمية الاقتصادية: مؤسسة الزكاة بولاية سلانجور بماليزيا نموذجاً

انعكاسات تطبيق اتفاقية تريبس TRIPS على حماية المستهلك في الوطن العربي، و قصور التشريعات على محاربة ظاهرة التقليد – الجزائر نموذجا -ً

ﺗﻘﻴﻴﻢ اﻟﻜﻔﺎءة اﻟﺘﺸﻐﻴﻠﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺼﺎرف اﻹﺳﻼﻣﻴﺔ: دراﺳﺔ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻘﻴﺔ ﻣﻘﺎرﻧﺔ

فجوة التوقعات بين الواقع والمأمول لدور المصارف الإسلامية في التنمية

ﻣﻌﺪﻝ ﺍﻟﻔﺎﺋﺪﺓ ﻭﺩﻭﺭﻳﺔ ﺍﻷﺯﻣﺎﺕ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻻﻗﺘﺼﺎﺩ ﺍﻟﺮﺃﺳﻤﺎﻟﻲ "ﻣﺤﺎﻭﻟﺔ ﻟﻠﻔﻬﻢ ﻭﺍﻗﺘﺮﺍﺡ ﺣﻠﻮﻝ"

عقود الخيارات وادارة المخاطر في اسواق السلع

عقد الاستصناع كأحد البدائل الشرعية للأوعية الادخارية البنكية

الفقر وتوزيع الدخل من منظور الاقتصاد الإسلامي: دراسة تطبيقية على مملكة البحرين

قياس الاستقرار المالي للبنوك الإسلامية والتقليدية في السعودية

مخاطر التمويل بصيغة السلم/ براحلية بدر الدين، براحلية لعلايمية فاطمة

نحو معيار اقتصادي لتمييز التمويل بالمداينات الشرعية عن التمويل الربوي د. محمد أنس بن مصطفى الزرقا

أثر المبادئ الإسلامية في قوانين الضرائب العراقية

بيع الدّيْنِ في المصرفية الإسلامية أسبابه وأحكامه الفقهية

البناء الشرعي الأسلم للتأمين الإسلامي (تكافل) عبد العظيم أبوزيد

التمويل الإسلامي بالمغرب ، تمويل بديل ؟ عبدالرزاق المزيان

تقويم تجربة التمويل الأصغر الإسلامي في السودان 2010 م – خلال الفترة 2000 (دراسة حالة القطاع المصرفي والمؤسسات الاجتماعية)

الصكوك الوقفية ودورها في التنمية الاقتصادية من خلال تمويل برامج التأهيل وأصحاب المِهَن والحِرَف

وفقنا الله وإياكم للخير..


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سياسة النشر في المجموعة:
ترك ما عارض أهل السنة والجماعة... الاكتفاء بأمور ذات علاقة بالاقتصاد الإسلامي وعلومه ولو بالشيء البسيط، ويستثنى من هذا مايتعلق بالشأن العام على مستوى الأمة كحدث غزة مثلا... عدم ذكر ما يتعلق بشخص طبيعي أو اعتباري بعينه باستثناء الأمر العام الذي يهم عامة المسلمين... تمرير بعض الأشياء الخفيفة المسلية ضمن قواعد الأدب وخاصة منها التي تأتي من أعضاء لا يشاركون عادة، والقصد من ذلك تشجيعهم على التفاعل الإيجابي... ترك المديح الشخصي...إن كل المقالات والآراء المنشورة تُعبر عن رأي أصحابها، ولا تعبّر عن رأي إدارة المجموعة بالضرورة.

[PF:167880] 6th Safar al-Muzaffar | Hadrat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Qadiri (Baba Bulleh Shah) Alaihir raHmah

Hadrat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Qadiri
Baba Bulleh Shah Alaihir raHmah

Hadrat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Qadiri also known as Hadrat Baba Bulleh Shah Alaihir raHma is universally admitted to have been the greatest of the Panjabi mystics. No Panjabi mystic poet enjoys a wider celebrity and a greater reputation. His kafis have gained unique popularity. In truth he is one of the greatest Sufis of the world and his thought equals that of Jalal al-Din Rumi and Shams Tabriz of Persia. As a poet Bulleh Shah is different from the other Sufi poets of the Panjab, and represents that strong and living pious nature of Panjabi character which is more reasonable than emotional or passionate. As he was an outcome of the traditional mystic thought we can trace some amount of mystic phraseology and sentiment in his poetry but, in the main, intellectual vedantic thought is its chief characteristic.

He was born in a Saiyyid family residing at, the village Pandoki of Kasur in the Lahore district, in the year A.D. 1680. This was during the twenty-first year of Emperor Aurangzeb's reign. According to C. F. Usborne he passed away in A.H. 1171 or A.D. 1785 (i.e. in the short reign of Alamgir the Second) at the ripe old age of 78.

A large amount of what is known about Bulleh Shah comes through legends, and is subjective; to the point that there isn't even agreement among historians concerning his precise date and place of birth. Some "facts" about his life have been pieced together from his own writings. Other "facts" seem to have been passed down through oral traditions.

Baba Bulleh Shah practiced the Sufi tradition of Punjabi poetry established by poets like Shah Hussain (1538 – 1599), Sultan Bahu (1629 – 1691), and Shah Sharaf (1640 – 1724) Alaihim ar-RaHmah.

Baba Bulleh Shah lived in the same period as the famous Sindhi Sufi poet , Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai (1689 – 1752). His life also overlapped with the legendary Punjabi poet Waris Shah (1722 – 1798), and the famous Sindhi Sufi poet Abdul Wahad (1739 – 1829), better known by his pen-name, Sachal Sarmast ("truth seeking leader of the intoxicated ones").

After completing his education, it is said that Baba Bulleh Shah went to Lahore. Of the two traditions, one says that, as was customary in those days, he came to Lahore in search of a spiritual teacher, while the other relates that he went there on a visit. Each of these two contradictory traditions has a legend to support it. The first relates that while he was busy searching the intellectual circles of Lahore to find out a competent master he heard of Shah Inayat's greatness and decided to make him his Murshid. He turned his steps towards the house of the Shah, and found him engrossed in his work in the garden. Having introduced himself, Baba Bulleh Shah requested that he might be accepted a disciple and taught the secret of God. Thereupon Hadrat Shah lnayat Alaihir raHmah said:

Bullhia rabb da pan ai
edharo puttan odharo lan hai.

O Bulleh! the secret of Almighty Allah is this; on this side He uproots, on the other side He creates.

'This', says the tradition. 'so impressed Baba Bulleh Shah that, forgetting his family and its status, he became Inyat Shah's disciple.

The second tradition says that Shah Inayat was the head gardener of the Shalimar gardens of Lahore. When in Lahore, Baba Bulleh Shah visited them, and as it was summer, he roamed in the mango-groves. Desirous of tasting the fruit he looked round for the guardian but, not finding him there, he decided to help himself. To avoid the sin of stealing, he looked at the ripe fruit and said; 'ALLAHu Ghani'. On the utterance of these magic words a mango fell into his hands. He repeated them several times, and thus collected a few mangoes. Tying them up in his scarf he moved on to find a comfortable place where he could eat them. At this time he met the head gardener, who accused him of stealing the fruit from the royal gardens. Considering him to be a man of low origin and desirous of demonstrating to him his occult powers, Baba Bulleh Shah said ironically: 'I have not stolen the mangoes but they have fallen into my hands as you will presently see.' He uttered 'ALLAHu Ghani' and the fruit came into his hand. But to his great surprise the young Saiyyid found that Inayat Shah was not at all impressed but was smiling innocently. The great embarrassment of Bullhe Shah inspired pity in the gardener's heart and he said: 'You do not know how to pronounce properly the holy words and so you reduce their power.' So saying, he uttered 'ALLAHu Ghani', and all the fruits in the gardens fell on the lovely lawns. Once again he repeated the same and the fruit went back on to the trees. This defeat inflicted by the guardian, whom the young Saiyyid Bullhe Shah considered ignorant and low, revolutionized his whole thought. Falling at the feet of Inayat Shah he asked to be classed as his disciple and his request was immediately granted.

The above two traditions, though different in detail, come to the same conclusion, that Baba Bulleh Shah, impressed by the greatness of Inayat, became his disciple. Bullhe Shah in his verse often speaks of his master Inayat Shah and thanks his good luck for having met such a murshid.

Bulleh Shah ve nic kamini
Shah inayat tari.

 Says Bulleh Shah, O Almighty the Lord Inayat has saved me, low and mean.


Bullhe Shah di suno hakait
hadi pakria hog hadait
mera murshid Shah Inayat
Uh langhaai par.

Listen to the story of Bullhe Shah, he has got hold of the peer and shall have salvation. My teacher, Shah Inayat, he will take me across.

In an account of the Panjabi poets it would perhaps be out of place to speak at great length of Shah Inayat who wrote in Persian. But the influence exerted by him through his teachings and writings has linked him with Panjabi literature. Baba Bulleh Shah the Rumi of the Panjab, came most directly under his influence and, having learnt from him, was inspired to write his remarkable poetry. It will therefore, be proper to give a short account of this wonderful man.

Hadrat Shah Inayat Qadiri and his School

Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Inayatullah, generally known as Shah Inayat Qadiri, was born at Kasur in the Lahore district, of Arais parents. The arias in the Panjab were gardeners or petty cultivators. They are known to be Hindu converts to Islam and are therefore considered inferior.

He was educated after the manner of his time and gained a good knowledge of Persian and Arabic. As he was born with a mystic disposition he became a disciple of the famous Sufi scholar and saint Muhammad Ali Raza Shattari. After he had finished his studies he was created a khalifa. Later on he received the khilafat of seven other sub-sects of the Sufi Qadiri. Soon after this event he left Kasur and migrated to Lahore .The author of Bagh-i-Awliya-e-Hind says that the great enmity of the Hakim Hussain Khan compelled him to migrate, but his descendants assert that it was the order of his teacher that brought him to Lahore. Here after having quelled the jealousy of his famous contemporaries, he established a college of his own. To this college came men of education for further studies in philosophy and other spiritual sciences of the time.

Inayat Shah was a well-known Qadiri Sufi of his time. From the historical point of view the Qadiri Sufis can be traced back to the Sufi Saint Abdul Qadri Jilani of Bagdad. Jilani is also known by the names Peer Dastgeer and Peeran-e-Peer. Bulleh Shah himself has also given a hint that his "Master of Masters" was born in Bagdad but his own Master belonged to Lahore:

My Master of Masters hailed from Baghdad,
but my Master belongs to the throne of Lahore.
It is all the same. For He himself is the kite
and He himself is the string.

Such was the man whom Baba Bulleh Shah made his Murshid. This action of Baba Bulleh Shah, however, was highly displeasing to his family. His relatives tried to induce him to give up Inayat and find another murshid. But Baba Bulleh Shah was firm and paid no attention to them or to their wailings. The following will sufficiently demonstrate the indignation of the family:

Bulleh nu samjhawan aiyaan bhena te bharjhaiyaan
Aal nabi ullad Nabi nu tu kyun leekaan laaiyaan
Manlay Bulleya sada kehna chad de palla raiyaan

To Bulleh sisters and sisters-in-law came to explain (advise). Why, O Bulleh, have you blackened the family of the Prophet and the descendants of Ali? Listen to our advice, Bulleh, and leave the skirt of the aria.

To this reproach Baba Bulleh Shah firmly but indifferently replies:

Jehra sanu saiyad akkhe dozakh miln sazaiya
Jehra sanu rai akkhe bahishti piga paiya
Je tu lore bag bahara Bullhia Talib ho ja raiya.

He who calls me a Saiyyid, shall receive punishments in Hell, he who calls me an arai shall in heaven have swings; O Bulleh, if you want pleasures of the garden become a disciple of the aria.

Raeen saain sabhan thaain rab diyaan be parwaiyaan
Sohniyaan pare hataiyaan te khoojiyaan lay gall laiyaan

Arain and masters are born at every place, God does not discriminate against anyone.
Wise people don't care for such differences, only the ugly ones do

Je tu loorain baag baharaan chaakar hoo ja raiyaan
Bulleh Shah di zaat ki puchni shakar ho razaiyaan

If you seek to the gardens of heaven, become a servant to the 'Arains'. Why ask about the caste of Bulleh Shah? Instead be grateful in the God's will.

Baba Bulleh Shah seems to have suffered at the hands of his family, as he has once or twice mentioned in his poetry. In the end, being convinced of the sincere love and regard of their child for Inayat Shah, the family left him alone. It is said that one of his sisters, who understood her brother, gave him her support and encouraged him in his search for truth.

After the demise of Hadrat Shah Inayat, Baba Bullhe Shah returned to Kasur. He remained faithful to his Beloved and to himself by not marrying. The sister who understood him also remained single and kept him company in his last years. He died in A.D. 1758 and was buried in Kasur, where his tomb still exists.

May Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala elevate his Status and bless with a part from the Divine Love of Hadrat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Qadiri that he had for HIM (Almighty) and accept our remembrance of the Great Wali and the Sufi Master and make it a medium for us to receive his divine mercy and blessings… Aameen!!

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[PF:167883] I want to be?میں بننا چاہتا ہوں؟

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[karachi-Friends] My first article of 2012

Dear All,

            I am enclosing herewith my new article of the new year.

                                           Muhammad Javed Iqbal
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[PF:167878] :: مسلمان کولمبس سے پہلے امريکہ پہنچے




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[PF:167877] ::: کيل مہاسوں اور جھريوں کا کامياب علاج




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[PF:167876] :: قلو پطرہ کي لپ اسٹک بھونروں کو پيس کر تيار کي جاتي تھي




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[PF:167875] :: مزاج کو خوشگوار بنانے والي غذائيں




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{Kantakji Group}. Add '10624' Visiting Faculties Required.

Assalamu alikkum,

Respected Scholars and Faculty members.

I heard from authentic sources that, Many of the foreign Universities are sending their faculties to different universities in the world
for delivering lecture, conducting workshop, presenting papers and other academic works with their own expenses.
We, Darul Huda Islamic University, Kerala, India need some of the visiting faculties  from the Department of Fiqh, Hadith, Aqeeda, Qur'an, English,Islamic banking and finance, Da'wa and comparative religion for delivering lectures.

Darul Huda Islamic University is the new and emerging Islamic University privately run by Muslim Leaders in India. it is Member of two famous world university Unions based at Egypt and Morocco.  for more details visit darul huda website.

Our Prof. Samir Kantakji is  very familiar with our university. last year he had delivered lecture in its grand conference of Silver jubilee celebration.

If anybody is Interested to participate In this good academic event, Kindly send their intention letter with requirements and CV in to my Personal Id.

With regards

K.T.Jabir Hudawi
Member of Syndicate and Senate, Darul Huda Islamic University &
Research Scholar,
Centre of Arabic and African Studies,
School of Language,Literature and Culture Studies.
Jawaharl Nehru University,New Delhi-67

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سياسة النشر في المجموعة:
ترك ما عارض أهل السنة والجماعة... الاكتفاء بأمور ذات علاقة بالاقتصاد الإسلامي وعلومه ولو بالشيء البسيط، ويستثنى من هذا مايتعلق بالشأن العام على مستوى الأمة كحدث غزة مثلا... عدم ذكر ما يتعلق بشخص طبيعي أو اعتباري بعينه باستثناء الأمر العام الذي يهم عامة المسلمين... تمرير بعض الأشياء الخفيفة المسلية ضمن قواعد الأدب وخاصة منها التي تأتي من أعضاء لا يشاركون عادة، والقصد من ذلك تشجيعهم على التفاعل الإيجابي... ترك المديح الشخصي...إن كل المقالات والآراء المنشورة تُعبر عن رأي أصحابها، ولا تعبّر عن رأي إدارة المجموعة بالضرورة.

[PF:167882] TOEIC with Sir Faisal (Approved for all UK Visas)

Are you interested in Study in UK with Work Permission or want a SPOUSE VISA
Than Your First Choice Should BE
Next Test will be held on 24th of DECEMBER 2011.
Last Registration Date: 15th of DECEMBER 2011.
Valid Passport Photocopy & Two passport size Photographs are required
at the time of Registration.
Contact: Sir Faisal
Cell:       0323-2338341

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[karachi-Friends] Gregorian Calendar is full of pagan gods

Here are the months and their meanings:

* January: Janus (Roman god of gates, doorways, beginnings and endings)
* February: Februus (Etruscan god of death) Februarius (mensis) (Latin for "month of purification (rituals)" it is said to be a Sabine word, the last month of ancient pre-450 BC Roman calendar). It is related to fever.[33][34][35]
* March: Mars (Roman god of war)
* April: "Modern scholars associate the name with an ancient root meaning 'other', i.e the second month of a year beginning in March."[36]
* May: Maia Maiestas (Roman goddess)
* June: Juno (Roman goddess, wife of Jupiter)
* July: Julius Caesar (Roman dictator) (month was formerly named Quintilis, the fifth month of the calendar of Romulus)
* August: Augustus (first Roman emperor) (month was formerly named Sextilis, the sixth month of Romulus)
* September: septem (Latin for seven, the seventh month of Romulus)
* October: octo (Latin for eight, the eighth month of Romulus)
* November: novem (Latin for nine, the ninth month of Romulus)
* December: decem (Latin for ten, the tenth month of Romulus)

The days of the week are all pagan:

* Monday: Old English Mōnandæg (pronounced [mon.nan.dæg] or [mon.nan.dæj'), meaning "Day of the Moon". This is likely based on a translation of the Latin name Dies Lunae (cf. Romance language versions of the name, e.g., French Lundi, Spanish, Lunes, Romanian Luni, Italian Lunedì). In North Germanic mythology, the moon is personified as a god; Máni.
* Tuesday: Old English Tiwesdæg (pronounced [ti.wes.dæg] or [ti.wes.dæj], meaning "Tyr's day." Tyr (in Old English, Tiw, Tew or Tiu) was a one-armed god associated with battle and pledges in Norse mythology and also attested prominently in wider Germanic paganism. The name of the day is based on Latin Dies Martis, "Day of Mars" (the Roman war god); compare: French Mardi, Spanish Martes, Romanian Marţi and Italian Martedì.
* Wednesday: Old English Wōdnesdæg (pronounced [woːd.nes.dæg] or [woːd.nes.dæj) meaning the day of the Germanic god Wodan (later known as Óðinn in among the North Germanic peoples), and a prominent god of the Anglo-Saxons (and other Germanic peoples) in England until about the seventh century. It is based on Latin Dies Mercurii, "Day of Mercury"; compare: French Mercredi, Spanish Miércoles, Romanian Miercuri and Italian Mercoledì. The connection between Mercury and Odin is more strained than the other syncretic connections. The usual explanation is that both Wodan and Mercury were considered psychopomps, or leaders of souls, in their respective mythologies. Also, in Norse mythology, Odin, like Mercury, is associated with poetic and musical inspiration. In German, the day is referred to as Mittwoch (mid week). Similarly in Finnish it is referred to as keskiviikko (keski = mid, viikko = week).
* Thursday: Old English Þūnresdæg (pronounced [θuːn.res.dæg] or [θuːn.res.dæj]), meaning the day of Þunor, commonly known in Modern English as Thor, the god of thunder in Norse Mythology and Germanic Paganism. It is based on the Latin Dies Iovis, "Day of Jupiter"; compare: French Jeudi, Spanish Jueves, Romanian Joi and Italian Giovedì. In the Roman pantheon, Jupiter was the chief god, who seized and maintained his power on the basis of his thunderbolt (Fulmen).
* Friday: Old English Frigedæg (pronounced [æg] or [æj]), meaning the day of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Frige, and is attesred among the North Germanic peoples as Frigg. It is based on the Latin Dies Veneris, "Day of Venus"; compare: French Vendredi, Spanish Viernes, Romanian Vineri and Italian Venerdì. Venus was the Roman goddess of beauty, love and sex.
* Saturday: the only day of the week to retain its Roman origin in English, named after the Roman god Saturn associated with the Titan Cronus, father of Zeus and many Olympians. Its original Anglo-Saxon rendering was Sæturnesdæg (pronounced [sæ.tur.nes.dæg] or [sæ.tur.nes.dæj]). In Latin it was Dies Saturni, "Day of Saturn"; compare: French Samedi. The Spanish and Portuguese Sábado, the Romanian Sâmbătă, and the Italian Sabato come from Sabbata Dies (Day of the Sabbath).
* Sunday: Old English Sunnandæg (pronounced [sun.nan.dæg] or [sun.nan.dæj), meaning "Day of the Sun". This is a translation of the Latin phrase Dies Solis. English, like most of the Germanic languages, preserves the original pagan/sun associations of the day. Many other European languages, including all of the Romance languages, have changed its name to the equivalent of "the Lord's day" (based on Ecclesiastical Latin Dies Dominica). Compare: Spanish and Portuguese Domingo, French Dimanche, Romanian Duminică and Italian Domenica. In both West Germanic and North Germanic mythology the sun is personified as a goddess; Sunna/Sól.

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