Tuesday 20 December 2011



In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

Assalam Alikum Wa RahmatullahWa Barakatahu


Complied, Edited, and Adapted by Khalid Latif.
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In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakaatuh
"Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), Enjoining Al-Ma‘roof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and Forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden).And it is they who are the successful: Aale ‘Imraan 3:1
1) New Year (1433 Hijri) Message – Setting Goals for Personal Transformation
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. — Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)
The new Islamic year (1433 Hijri) is finally here. A few days ago, people celebrated the beginnings of 2011 in many novel as well as traditional ways. One of the usual ways was to set new goals and resolutions for personal transformation and improvement. Although, setting resolutions and goals is a powerful tool to help you potentially shape your destiny, you should note that there is no concept of “New Year Resolutions” within the teachings of Islam. Instead, as Muslims you should constantly be assessing your lives and setting goals and making resolutions, rather than waiting for special days during the year to perform the exercise.
However, given the importance of personal transformation (something that lot of us need), this is an appropriate time to discuss this subject.
Let’s start by looking at the lives of all those who achieved remarkable successes by being committed to their goals. Among millions of examples, we see a powerful example in the life of Prophet Muhammad (saws) whose endless efforts and perseverance with the help of Allah, brought guidance to humanity at large and as a result of which we see more than a billion Muslims on this planet today. Thomas Edison, the inventor of light bulb and other countless inventions was committed enough to succeed even though according to him, he failed at least in 700 different projects. Abraham Lincoln who fought for abolishing slavery in the United States and became one of the most popular and successful presidents, actually lost many Congress and Senate races, and had nervous breakdown before he achieved his accolades and successes.
All these individuals were committed to achieving their goals. And through their wisdom, hard work, commitment, perseverance, and God’s will, they achieved what they had set out to achieve.
The question you need to ask yourself is where do you stand in setting your goals and what are you doing to achieve them?
You should know that the process of setting goals and making resolutions is mostly about you. If you don’t set your goals, you don’t move forward. If you set them and don’t follow through, you still don’t move forward. Resolutions are the specific steps that propel your life forward toward your goals while still immersed in the daily chores of life; resolutions are about how your behavior impacts other people’s lives; More importantly, resolutions are about your relationship with your Creator and how you strengthen that relationship by living life in accordance to His guidance.
If you are not in the habit of setting resolutions and goals, you should review the direction of your life and assess how your actions are contributing to your betterment and to your loved ones in accordance with the teachings of your Creator?
If you have a mere general idea on where you are heading simply because you are too busy to chart out a more directed course of action, you may not be fully harnessing your God gifted abilities. Setting goals and resolutions therefore enable you to step away and analyze the clutter in your life; they let you rise above the daily chores that keep you busy and keep you from organizing. The process is therefore about prioritizing and highlighting what is more important to make your life more meaningful. Here we recall a famous quote by Henry David Thoreau, who stated that “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.”
It is about self assessment and self evaluation – The Second Caliph, `Umar ibn Al-Khattab said, “Criticize and appraise yourselves before you are criticized and appraised….”. Therefore, setting goals and making resolutions is all about self improvement and to instill that attitude within ourselves. Abraham Lincoln once commented, “I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.”
The truth indeed is that you can not be better today if you did not set out to become better yesterday and took the necessary actions for that betterment.
It is about “actions” and execution – Setting a resolution is much more than dreaming, thinking and planning about what you want to change. It is about real execution – about doing something – about undertaking a course of action that actually starts bringing you closer to what you want to achieve. Many a people, organizations and countries fail in their lives and in their pursuits simply because of lack of execution. They plan but then can’t follow through; they talk but they can’t perform;
Even in the religion of Islam that emphasizes asking your Creator and Sustainer about your needs, there is an equal and parallel importance of your personal actions and deeds. Dr. Aaidh Al-Qrani in his famous book, “Don’t be Sad” says that once Umar bin Khattab got very angry with youth who were simply spending time in the mosque and told them: “Go out and seek sustenance, for the sky does not send down rain of gold or silver.” Confucious, a famous philosopher once said: “The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.” Florence Nightingale who had a lasting contribution in founding the modern nursing profession once said: “You ask me why I do not write something….I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words, they ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring results.”
How many times have you planned but failed to execute? Isn’t it time to actually get on with a sustained course of action?
It is about using time wisely – Setting resolutions helps us maximize our time in life instead of squandering the valuable moments away. We all know how time flies but unfortunately many times we do not make full use of our time and life in general. Mu`adh ibn Jabal quotes the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: “A servant of Allah will remain standing on the Day of Resurrection until he is asked about four things: his life and how he spent it, his youth and how he used it up, his property and how he acquired and managed it and his knowledge and how he utilized it.”
We should therefore remind ourselves that we too have an end that is approaching. So, why squander our time away on nonessential pursuits?
It is about focused actions and tasks – Resolutions and goals help you focus on the right actions and tasks. Think about when you are about to take a long trip away from home. Our productivity in the number of tasks we complete before we take a trip is phenomenal simply because we have a deadline to meet and our energies are extremely focused. The closer you get to your time of travel, the more you ensure that you utilize each and every second available to you.
Can you imagine how much you will be able to accomplish daily only if you became half that productive and efficient?
It is about behavioral change – Setting goals and resolutions involves completely stepping away from behaviors you want to change – In Islam, this parallels the concept of “Repentance” or “Taubah” because the psychological, spiritual and physical dynamics is almost the same. Repentance in Islam entails stopping bad behavior, regretting past indulgence in that behavior, understanding the need to shy away from the bad behavior, making a strong intention not to return to the old behavior and finally substituting bad with good behaviors (better deeds).
Why not then apply the same dynamics to change any of your undesirable behaviors and habits, and embark on a major journey of personal progress?
It is about clarity of vision – Setting goals requires that you are clear about who you are and what you want to achieve. A confused mind can not set meaningful goals. A person not confident about his beliefs and values is rarely successful in charting out a meaningful course of action. This is why Sahaba (companions of the prophet) were able to unilaterally commit to the prophet and his cause. They clearly understood their role in this life. Once when in Madinah, the prophet had to send a group to Yemen for teaching new Muslims there about Islam. The prophet picked Mu’adh bin Jabal as their leader (even though Muadh was very young – perhaps in his early twenties). The prophet said, “The most knowledgeable of my ummah [community] in matters of Halal [permitted, allowed, lawful or legal] and Haram [forbidden] is Mu’adh bin Jabal.”
If Muadh was able to get that clarity at such a young age where he was chosen by the prophet (saws) to lead a group of mentors and teachers to a foreign land, why can’t we get clearer on who we are?
To conclude, remember this – The process of setting goals and resolutions requires that you actually take time to analyze where you stand and chart out what you want to become. More often, we are held back because of procrastination and habits that are difficult to change. However, we must realize that it is only we who can help our own selves cross that gulf.
So, start the change today – take the time to know yourself better – identify your weaknesses and commit to eliminate them. Assess your strengths and use them for meaningful pursuits. All in all, invest the effort to embark on a personal transformation that can help you, your families, the world around you and can make your relationship with your Creator even stronger. Because if you don’t take the step, Allah may not help you.
He says in the Quran: That is so because Allah will never change a grace which He has bestowed on a people until they change what is in their own selves. And verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. (Chapter 8 – Verse 53)
Courtesy: The IqraSense.com Blogger
2) Leading a Meaningful life?
The Islamic New Year has commenced according to the Hijra calendar and it is a good time to reflect on one’s life. It is the time of the year when a lot of people think about their past, their future, their goals, their priorities in life; in short they try to look deep into their lives and find a meaning to it.
Numerous books have been written on how to be happy, how to live a meaningful life and how to be successful. As a Muslim I find the answers to this in the glorious Qur’an. Allah Himself explains in His book why we are here, why we will die one day and what we are supposed to do in the time in-between, the so- called life.
The obligation prescribed by Allah is quite easy: And I have created Jinn and men only to worship Me. I want no sustenance from them, nor do I want them to feed Me. Surely, it is Allah who is the Provider, the Powerful. (Qur’an 51:56-58)
This is what Allah has ordained on all mankind though we are free to choose. Allah leaves it up to us to give our life meaning and purpose or to waste our time in worldly affairs.
And we send not the Messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warnings. So whoever beliefs and reforms; there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. (Qur’an 6:48)
I believe that Allah created the universe, the earth and mankind. He has provided us with a temporary home on earth and will call us back whenever our time is finished.
And it is Allah who gives life and causes death, and Allah is Seeing of what you do.(Qur’an 3:156)
Allah gave us the ability to think, be aware of ourselves, be able to distinguish right from wrong and make sincere decisions.
The home of the hereafter is better for those who fear Allah, so will you not use reason? (Qur’an 7:169)
Allah made it clear to us in His books and through his Messengers (peace be upon them) that He is the sole Ruler and Deity, but he leaves it up to us if we want to follow His religion or we don’t.
Say, Indeed I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous day. (Qur’an 6:15)
Nevertheless, we should not think that we are totally free. We should remind ourselves that this life is only temporary and that this earth is not our final destination. But they who believe and do righteous good deeds – those are the companions of Paradise; they will abide therein eternally. (Qur’an 2:82)
We live on this earth only for a probationary period of time. We will return to our Lord and we will be judged by Him according to our actions.
This principle should be the guideline of our entire life.
Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire – of women and sons, headed up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return; Paradise. (Qur’an 3:14)
Allah blessed us with so many things in our lifes that we cannot count them, but we have to think and use them wisely, sensibly and according to the guidelines laid down clearly in the sunnah and the Qur’aan. Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us and are satisfied with the life of this world and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of Our signs – for those their refuge will be the fire because of what they used to earn. (Qur’an 10:7-8)
Courtesy: Allah_Muhammad_SAW_Quraan@yahoogroups.com

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