Sunday 3 February 2013

[karachi-Friends] Guidelines For Making A Super Strong Password

We all make passwords which we can remember ofcourse, it's a good thing to do but don't make your passwords so easy for hackers to guess, which can put you in a lot of trouble. There are some techniques which you can follow so that no one is ever going to guess your password and it will be for you easy to memorize as well. Not following the basics will not harm you for some time, till you become a target of a hacker and than it's useless to cry over a spilt milk.

Things To Remember While Making A Password - Quick Tips

These should and shouldn't are for those who are lazy to read the full article and want a quick tip to make their existing passwords strong, but i highly recommend to read the full article in order to learn all the best techniques to make a super strong password for each and every website.

Password Should

1. It should contain letters with a mixture of upper and lower cases.
2. It should contain special symbols.
3. It should contain numbers.
4. Its length should be 8 characters minimum. (10 recommended)
5. It should be different for each and every website.

Password Shouldn't

1. It shouldn't have your first or last name
2. It shouldn't have your username as the password
3. It shouldn't have words from the dictionary
4. It shouldn't have repeating or sequential numbers like 12345 or 44444
5. It shouldn't begin or end with a number
6. It shouldn't be a single word with mixture of numbers and symbols e.g. "M1cr0$0ft" or P@ssw0rd
7. It shouldn't contain your personal details like birth date, postal code, phone number etc.
Note: At some point you may find this article a bit technical or difficult to understand, then just read the paragraph again slowly in order to have a better understanding. I have tried my best to explain you the details in an easy way.


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Don't Use The Same Password For Every Website
This is the most common problem which many of us simply ignores. Although their is a very valid reason that you can't remember different passwords for each and every website especially if you are linked with 20 or 30+ websites. But just think for a while that if a hacker hacks any one of your accounts password, the rest of your online information is at risk. Now you know what i'm talking About!!!
Are You Asking Me To Make 100 Passwords?
Yes …. but you don't need to remember 100 passwords when you have 1 rule set for generating them. Means before making a password, make a general rule of Thumb that how your all passwords will be alike.

Umair Shaikh


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